sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010


Desde 2007 o ioga e a Luísa entraram na minha vida para a a fazer melhor. O grupo da 7 da tarde mantém-se fiel a estes encontros onde nos descobrimos e de onde saímos renovados. A amizade vai-se instalando, devagar, sólida, para sempre.

Já vem sendo hábito finalizar o ano com um jantar de Natal. Este ano reunímo-nos no Hush-hush e para mim foi uma honra receber na nossa casa estes amigos especiais!

O mote para definir o menú foi, claro, o Natal e as comidas que se comem nesta altura do ano em diferentes partes do país.

Welcome drink - Porto tonic
Tapas de pátê de fígados e de hummus de beterraba

Shot de urtiga com bolachas de queijo da ilha
Wrap de massa de arroz com polvo, batata doce e grelos de nabo

Perna de perú assada da Herdade do Freixo do Meio acompanhada por puré de abóbora, couve portuguesa e grelos salteados com batatinha nova

Suflé de chocolate e tangerina com gelado de tangerinas do Hush-Hush Garden

O vinho tinto Casa da Carvalha 2005 casou na perfeição com os comes. Para terminar, um madeira meio seco que acompanhou passas de vários frutos.

Foi mais uma noite inesquecível no nosso Hush-Hush Garden.
Obrigado por terem vindo!

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

A Memorable Evening!

By 8:15 pm we were in panic – What have we got into?!
We didn’t know our guests, we’re not trained chefs and we have so little experience in the underground restaurant scene...
 Everything could go wrong…But it didn´t!
It was the most wonderful experience. The food didn’t embarrass us, João selected lovely music to go along and the guests were the most perfect group we could ever wish to receive at our house and share our table.
Simply divine, after all!

Setting the table I

Setting the table II
Partridge with "Molho Vilão"

 2 partridges 
3 table spoons of butter
Salt, pepper, fresh thyme
6 slices of bacon
Season the birds with salt, pepper and thyme, cover with butter.
Set the oven to 180 ºC. Let the birds roast for 10 to 15 min. Warp them in bacon and cover with tin foil.
After 1 hour, remove the tin sheet and leave for more 10 to 15 min. If necessary, use the juices to moist the partridges.
Debone all the meat, and accommodate in a plate.
Molho Vilão:
Olive oil (3 parts)
Good quality vinegar (1 part)
Salt, pepper, fresh parsley
1 small onion
1 garlic clove
Finely chop the onion and the garlic clove. Add the vinegar, stir and add the olive oil. Stir again. Season with salt, pepper and chopped fresh parsley.
Pour this dressing over the ripped partridges. Lovely!

Chickpeas with cod fish chunks and fresh coriander

Around the table I

Around the table II
Home made pinhoada de Alcácer (Regional sweet from Alcácer, made with pinenuts and honey)

Around the table III
Poached pear in red wine and chestnut mont blanc

"Quentes e Boas!" - Chestnuts, come il faut!

Outside I


What makes us feel the luckiest people on earth!
 Luisa wrote: Foi uma experiência bem divertida entre americanos, belgas, brasileiros, bracarenses e lisboetas. Do mais divertido! A decoração a rigor, e a comida não podia estar mellhor. PARABÉNS à equipa Hush Hush :).
Beth wrote: Dear Susana, Joao, and Rita, Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner.  You are excellent hosts and made us feel very welcome.  We felt like we were at a lovely party with friends.  We salute your efforts!  I meant it when I said that your hush hush garden was the best hidden kitchen experience we’ve had!   We really appreciated the effort everyone made to speak English, which I know is very tiring after a while. We felt especially lucky to have had so many wonderful things from Rita’s grandfather’s garden and vineyard.  Everything was perfect.   

sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

11th November

To Start

Porto Tonic
Home-made liver pâté with Adega Velha’s brandy from Vinhos Verdes
Beetroot hummus
Mafra bread

To Continue

Wild partridge from Monfortinho with special sauce “Vilão”
“Judeítos”- Game alheira deep fried croquettes with honey and mustard dip
Chickpeas from Serpa with salt cod chunks and fresh coriander, roasted with olive oil from Serpa in clay pottery
To Finish

Tipsy pear from Alcobaça and chestnut Mont blanc
Little Magusto - Chestnuts roasted in traditional clay pots on coal bed

To Drink

Red wine: Casa da Carvalha, 2005, Dão
Dessert wine: Moscatel de Setúbal, Bacalhôa Vinhos de Portugal, 2007
Hush- Hush Garden Tea

11 de Novembro

Para Começar

Porto tonic
Pâté caseiro de fígados e Adega Velha
Hummus de beterraba
Pão de Mafra

Para Continuar

Perdiz brava de Monfortinho com molho Vilão
“Judeítos”- Croquetes de alheira de caça com molho de mostarda e mel
Grão de Serpa com bacalhau e coentros, assados no barro com azeite de Serpa
Para Terminar

Pera bêbeda de Alcobaça com Mont blanc de castanhas
Magusto – Castanha assada no carvão em pote de barro tradicional
Para Beber

Vinho tinto: Casa da Carvalha, 2005, Dão
Vinho de sobremesa: Moscatel de Setúbal, Bacalhôa Vinhos de Portugal, 2007
Chá do Hush- Hush Garden

quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010


Martinho was a roman soldier who, in a stormy day, passed by a humble man. He felt sorry for the man and shared his coat with him. Suddenly, the cold and the wind disappeared and gave place to a warm and sunny summer day.

Is popular believe that god rewarded Martinho for his kindness towards the beggar offering them a comforting and warm sun.

Since then, at this time of the year, although is autumn, is always hot and the sun shines like in the summer time. That is why this season is called S. Martinho’s summer.

Traditionally we eat roasted chestnuts and taste the new wine. It is the Magusto!

Next 11th November we will have a Magusto party at Hush-hush garden with good food and Portuguese wines to celebrate the season. We hope you join us!

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


This Saturday we had no participants in our Hush-Hush Garden dinner party which is a bit sad.
Although in other countries the underground restaurant movement is established, in Portugal is just beginning.
That's why getting things on the move, like we're trying to do, takes time and persistence.

So I decided to celebrate the day, just like Poppy would do in Mike Leigh's film “Happy go lucky”. And so we did!

I left house and went down the street to meet Tejo (the river) and Sofia (the best friend). Perfect combination!
So, with Tejo at our feet, we did a picnic before dinner.

We took toasts, two dipping sauces and a bottle of white wine previously chilled.

Here is the recipe:

Guacamole sauce

Pulp of 2 small ripe avocados
Juice of 1 lemon
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt flower
Cayenne pepper
Press the avocados pulp with a fork but make sure you leave some chunks to bite.
Add the lemon juice, the olive oil and season with sea salt flower and cayenne pepper.
Chill for 20 min in the fridge.

Requeijão sauce

Requeijão is a ricotta like cream cheese made with milk serum, in this case, from sheep.
Fresh mint leaves
Fresh raspberries
Juice of half a lemon
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt flower
Mix all the ingredients into a paste, season with sea salt flower and garnish with poppy seeds.
Chill for 20 min in the fridge.

It certainly was an afternoon to remember.
By the way, the wine was Duque de Viseu 2009, delicious!

quarta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2010


Começámos cedo os preparativos para este jantar Hush-Hush Garden.
Montagem de mesas, escolha de pratos e copos e distribuição de velas e mais velas.
Na cozinha trabalhou-se a todo o vapor para conseguir fazer juz ao menu proposto.
As primeiras convidadas chegaram à hora combinada e foram recebidas com um Porto tonic. Para acompanhar, guacamole, pasta de grão e paprika, e outros amuse bouche.

O jantar começou com uma entrada de figos do algarve com presunto de porco preto.

No meio da azáfama, esquecemo-nos de fotografar o prato principal e respectivo acompanhamento, mas fica o registo da sobremesa - bolo húmido de alfarroba com gelado de limões da árvore do Hush-Hush Garden acompanhado por Moscatel de Setúbal.

  A noite estava convidativa e o vinho, Casa da Carvalha de 2005 (um ano de excepção) esteve à altura da refeição.

Esta foi a impressão da Ana Maria:

Antes de mais, dizer que estava tudo excelente!
espaço é lindo e a atmosfera que conseguiram criar é deveras intimista, acolhedora, mágica... ADOREI!

A decoração está lindíssima, desde o jardim ao jogo de loiças. A ementa muito bem concebida, saudável e saborosa e diferente do que a que os restaurantes comuns oferecem. A música variada, com o volume certo. As velas espalhadas pelo jardim. A lembrança do chá biológico. Tudo mesmo muito bonito!

Sabes que hoje acordei com aquela sensação de.... em que inspiras o ar da manhã e, ao mesmo tempo, te inspiras?! E a primeira coisa que me veio à cabeça foi "que noite perfeita!". A sério! :)"
E nós agradecemos!

No final, todas as convidadas levaram uma recordação desta noite, um saquinho de chá, produção do Hush-Hush Garden.

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

Hush-Hush Garden Menu

The Menu is ready and set to go!
After a long period of experiments in the kitchen, we decided to present the following menu.
We hope you find it interesting enough to show up!

To Start

Welcome drink
Dipping sauces
Mafra Bread

To Continue

Algarve fresh figs and Porco Preto smoked ham, with lemon and olive oil dressing, sprinkled with toasted pine nuts

Chickpeas from Serpa with salt cod chunks and fresh coriander, roasted with olive oil from Serpa in tradicional pottery and watercress salad

Carob wet cake with Hush-hush garden's lemon ice-cream

To Drink

Red Wine - Casa da Carvalha, 2005, Dão
Dessert wine - Moscatel de Setúbal
Coffee or Hush-hush garden's Tea

Donation value is € 35 per person.
Contact us to or to +351 96 021 22 29 .
The 22nd July you'll get the directions to find us via e-mail or sms.

sábado, 10 de julho de 2010

Welcome to HUSH-HUSH GARDEN, the first anti-restaurant in Lisbon!

In the heart of Lisbon a secret garden is expecting your visit.

Kick off dinner will be the 23rd of July and we’re preparing our very best specialities!

Under the moonlight and the stars you’ll have the most wonderful dinner prepped with fresh ingredients and Portuguese delicatessen.

What bonds us is the love to cook and the passion to share it with others. We’re not trained chefs, but we love to eat and mostly, love to share the pleasure of good food.

Our food is simple and clean, inspired on the Portuguese ingredients. We try to cook well and eat even better!

The table is set and the candles are ready to burn… Join us in our huge adventure!
We’re waiting for you.